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An applied series of courses on dairy farm management including general farm management; animal, feed and waste facility design and management; feeding and breeding management; milk quality; use of on-farm records and business management. In addition, a strong emphasis will be placed on field crop production including crop fertilization, nutrient management, crop variety selection, crop rotations, and field equipment selection and maintenance. Dairy cattle nutrition will be explored with focus on assessment of forage quality and utilization, feed management, ration formulation, and nutritional physiology. A research experience will explore different types of agricultural research, data collection and summarization and include working with a mentor to develop a research question aimed at answering an on-farm problem. Significant time will be spent preparing and presenting weekly seminars on a variety of industry and research topics related to the dairy industry.



This course is designed for students interested in a career in the dairy industry or allied agribusiness. The objectives are:

  • Provide students with a quality program which will better enable them to succeed in the industry

  • Provide a hands-on learning environment for important aspects of dairy farm design and management

  • Provide tools to assist students in making crop and nutrient management decisions for dairy farms in the Northeast

  • Provide students with skills necessary to objectively evaluate dairy, crop and facility issues on the farm

  • Provide students with skills to effectively communicate thoughts and ideas in a group and 1-on-1 setting

  • Course Descriptions:

    Dairy Cattle Nutrition

    Field Crops

    Ag Seminar

    Dairy Management Practicum
    Agricultural Research Experience

    dairy cow at miner institute

    Students embrace the low student-to-staff ratio that this program offers with easy access to many highly qualified experts. Our purpose in this program is to prepare the next generation of farm managers and industry professionals. Our product is individuals who are well grounded in animal science, business and communications and who are first and foremost, mature, critical thinkers committed to life-long learning to achieve their personal goals.

    For more information on the program, contact:

    Wanda Emerich | Dairy Outreach Coordinator | Email

    Miner Institute

    1034 Miner Farm Rd. | P.O. Box 90
    Chazy, New York 12921

    (518) 846-7121, Ext. 117

    (518) 846-8445 (Fax)

    Advanced Dairy Management Program
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