Dairy Outreach Coordinator
Wanda Emerich

Wanda is responsible for the coordination of educational programs for students, farmers, and agribusiness organizations through events such as Dairy Day, Crop Congress, Farm Days for Fifth Graders, farm tours, and other educational programs and agribusiness training sessions. She is responsible for overall leadership of the 14-week college student internship program, Summer Experience in Farm Management, and coordinates the spring semester Dairy Scholar Program. She earned both her B.S. in Animal Science and M.Ext.Ed. from the University of Vermont. In addition to receiving the Good Neighbor Award from the New England Jersey Breeders Association and Vermont Jersey Breeders Association, she is also on the Board of Directors for Vermont. Wanda serves on the Program Committee for the Northeast Regional Dairy Challenge and is on the Board of Directors for the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge, currently serving as Program Chair. She is also the Cattle Superintendent for the Clinton County Fair and the Champlain Valley Exposition and on the organizing committee for the Vermont Dairy Producers Association.